
Model Rail and Related Links

As of April 2024 these links tested ok. If you find any that have since gone faulty or would like to suggest some additions, please email the webmaster:

Manufacturer Brief Synopsis Website
Märklin Märklin inc's U.S. english language website
Märklin The English language pages of the Märklin "mothership" itself
Brawa Brawa not only make AC model loks and rolling stock but also lights, decoders etc (german)
Viessmann Quality maker of signals, decoders, lights and other accessories
Faller Probably the most well known of the plastic kit makers, they also make a brilliant car system for HO
Noch Now owned by Woodland Scenics, they make fabulous scenery supplies etc
Electrotren Spanish manufacturer of AC loks and rolling stock now a part of the Hornby Group
ESU Quality maker of electronic accessories like decoders and controllers
Woodland Scenics Prolific maker of model scenery products and diorama kits
Services top
Train Doctor Kevin Specialises in Märklin Servicing, Repairs and digital conversions
Project/layout/blog top
Mä This link takes you to a Märklin modellers forum that has some VERY useful tips and links to other Märklinist's, you could even subscribe to the mailing list?
Miniatur Wunderland Massive world of moving minature models, trains, cars, aeroplanes etc based in Hamburg
ETE The European Train Enthusiasts is a group that model not only Märklin but a full range of Model Trains from other european manufacturers. There is also a SIG group focusing on display modules.
Bundesbahnzeit Ulrich Budde's website all in german but has some spectacular photographs from various era's
Retail/Online Stores top
The LokShop The LokShop supply most of the main brands from MRR manufacturers including, Märklin, Faller, Kibri, Viessmann and Uhlenbrock all at reasonable prices too
Toottoot Toottoot is a South Island based reseller of Märklin, Viessmann, ESU, Auhagen, Faller and other manufacturers.
Merv Smith Hobbies Merv Smith Hobbies have a large range of Model Railroad goodies from most manufacturers and have lots of larger gauge Models no website
Constellation Hobbies Only occaisional second hand Märklin, but a good selection of Noch and other scenic items
Stoker Models open 7 days Cnr Market Road & Great South Road, Greenlane Ph/Fax (09) 520-1737 no website
Clubs top
YouTube Channel A link to the Auckland Märklin Club YouTube Channel Link
Auckland Marklin Club Facebook page follow us here   The Auckland Marklin Club Inc | Facebook  
The Wellington Märklin Club The Website of fellow Kiwi Märklin Modellers, based in Wellington, some nice photos and reference information. This is without doubt the longest-established club of its kind in New Zealand!
Z Gauge top
zScale Do it Yourself in Z-scale. Contains many articles on Z gauge model railroading
Tom's Z Scale Trains Tom's Z Scale Trains & Northwest Pacific Z Scalers Information Lots of photos and movies showing both large and small z gauge layouts
Val Ease Central Railroad Award winning multi-suitcase layout
Tom's Z Scale Trains Tom's Z Scale Trains & Northwest Pacific Z Scalers Information Lots of photos and movies showing both large and small z gauge layouts
Ztrack The magazine for Z Scale Model Railroading. Ztrack is the world's largest magazine devoted to Z scale model railroading. The gallery is worth a look
Other Links top
Mikes Rail History This site is a fantastic rail history resource, based before 1935, from the subways of Glasgow to the "Johanasburg Express", it's all here, check it out.
German Steam A fasinating website if you're into German Steam (and we are) there are some fantastic photo's of Dampfloks in their full glory, with lots more information as well